Super Mini Bonsai

Creating the smallest Bonsai trees.

As we all know, the basic concept in Bonsai is to make a mature tree in small size; so the smaller the Bonsai is, the more difficult to make.

The reason is because it is difficult to form the ideal ramification structure and the leaves size in good proportion to resemble a mature tree in nature.

Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai

One of the best species to make super mini Bonsai is Premna microphylla because the leaves size can be reduced significantly from its original of approx. 4" (9cm) to only 1/8" (3mm). See the comparison between the original leaves size with the reduced size on the tree.

Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai

To create mini Bonsai trees using Premna, follow these steps for optimal results. Begin by obtaining cuttings from the branches of larger Bonsai trees during the cutting back process. These branches are ideal as they are relatively mature, possessing the desired trunk texture and possibly even a basic ramification structure. Place these cuttings in a large training pot and position them in a shaded area. Ensure consistent watering until new shoots emerge.

Once healthy new buds start to appear, it indicates that the root system is developing well beneath the soil. However, it's important to note that the roots may not grow in the expected position, often extending deeper due to the length of the cutting. This can result in an improper positioning of the tree when transferring it to a mini container. In such cases, carefully remove the tree from the pot, perform a root cut, and then replant it, continuing the programming and styling process. Once the basic form of the tree is shaped, it can be transferred to a mini pot. Keep in mind that extra care is required for small Bonsai trees due to the limited container size, particularly in terms of maintaining moisture and ensuring proper root growth.

Selecting a soil mix with good water retention is crucial. Personally, I prefer using finely ground volcanic soil mixed with some sticky soil to provide stability for the tree. Additionally, covering the top surface with green moss adds aesthetic appeal. To maintain a healthy root system with adequate moisture, you can place the tree in a tray with approximately one-third of the pot submerged in the soil. Alternatively, you can individually place the trees in larger pots, allowing the roots to grow outside through the bottom holes. Regular spraying is essential to maintain moisture levels. It is recommended to use slow-release fertilizer to keep the trees healthy. Regularly trim the outgrowing roots to encourage proper root development within the mini container.

Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai

To prevent the trees from drying out, you have two options. Firstly, you can place them in a tray with approximately one-third of the pot submerged in the soil. This allows the roots to access moisture while minimizing the risk of dehydration. Alternatively, you can individually plant them in larger pots, allowing the roots to grow outside through the bottom holes. This provides ample space for root development and ensures a healthier overall growth.

During the styling process, it is possible to use fine copper wire, such as that found in telephone cords. This wire can be utilized to shape and guide the branches into desired positions. However, it is important to note that the clip-and-grow technique remains crucial for developing an ideal ramification structure. By selectively pruning and allowing specific branches to grow, the tree can achieve a more refined and natural appearance.

When creating super mini Bonsai, it is essential to focus on replicating the characteristics of mature trees found in nature. This is particularly evident in the ramification structure. Without proper ramification, the tree may resemble mere grass, lacking the intricate branching patterns that define a mature tree. Paying attention to the development and refinement of the ramification structure is crucial in creating a visually pleasing and authentic super mini Bonsai.

Super mini Bonsai Gallery

Here are some of the super mini Bonsai from Robert Steven’s collection. They are all Premna microphylla with the size of approximately 1" (2cm).

Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai
Super Mini Bonsai

Written by: Bonsaihub, an avid traveler and bonsai enthusiast who has embarked on numerous journeys to various locations and workshops in search of capturing the beauty and artistry of bonsai through stunning photographs.

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